Tuesday, 24 September 2013
Good Afternoon Everyone, I just thought about this and I would love to share it with you, yes you!
......... Imagine a world where Alcohol, hard substance etc were banned . How will the so called "area boys" (Area boys in Nigeria is a group of energized youth that have potentials but would not utilize it, rather wake up early in the morning, takes a full dose of hard substance and beg for money from commercial drivers forcefully.) (# My definition, would appreciate other definitions.) interact with one another ?I belief everyone will behave, interact with their senses intact. The intake of hard substances by these boys affect the way they interact and also affect them. All in the name of getting high. A 12 year old boy drops out of school,finds his way to the park and works as the errand boy and before you know it, he is smoking marijuana and other hard substance. This is so sad.
...............Imagine a world where we value sincerity ? We wont have problem with our kids, political leader to mention a few. I belief we can achieve this if we can become selfless in every of our dealings.
............Imagine a world where we are not caught in the web of deception that having sex as unmarried is not bad and also been cajoled by our boyfriend that we do not love him enough, that is why we are not showing it by having sex with him. I belief we would not have kids that we cannot take care of neither would we have HIV/AIDS patients, sexually transmitted disease would not have taken the lives of so many people. ( I am not saying one can only contract it via sex only do not forget that its called "THE IMAGINE GAME")
I can continue to play "THE IMAGINE GAME" but the main essence of this game if for us to take a closer look at every negative thing happening around us and imagine we do not have any thing holding us down in other for us to make it work better, and proffer solution to it. Ask yourself what you will do if you know that the solution you have will be the only way out to solve the problem or perhaps the solution can solve the problem in a way? Will you fold your arms and IMAGINE or simply DO IT.
Let be a change agent anywhere we are, folding our arms has not solve any problem , let people feel our impact where we are.
Thank you all for taking time out to read this piece. LOVE YOU ALL. Adios.
Bukola Jegede
Friday, 13 September 2013
This post was copied from John Maxwell blog. My No1 Mentor
Doing the following three things will help you to get there.
1. Realize That Hope Is a Choice
1. Realize That Hope Is a Choice
British clergyman G. Campbell Morgan told the story of a man whose shop had been burned in the great Chicago fire of 1871. The man arrived at the ruins the next morning carrying a table. He set up the table in the midst of the charred debris, and above it placed a sign that said, “Everything lost except wife, children, and hope. Business will be resumed as usual tomorrow morning.”
That man’s response is one that I truly admire. After such a heavy loss, where did he get his hope? From his circumstances? Certainly not. From good timing? No. From other victims of the fire? There’s no indication that he did. How many others faced the future with such positive determination? If this man saw a bright future for himself and his family, it was because he made a choice to have hope.
Hope is in the DNA of men and women who learn from their losses. When times are tough, they choose hope, knowing that it will motivate them to learn and turn them from victims into victors.
Some people say choosing hope is a pie-in-the-sky approach to life. It’s unrealistic, they claim. I disagree. In The Dignity of Difference, Jonathan Sacks writes, “One of the most important distinctions I have learned in the course of reflection on Jewish history is the difference between optimism and hope. Optimism is the belief that things will get better. Hope is the faith that, together, we can make things better. Optimism is a passive virtue, hope an active one. It takes no courage to be an optimist, but it takes a great deal of courage to have hope.”
I believe everyone is capable of choosing hope. Does it take courage? Yes. Because our hopes can be disappointed. But I am convinced that the courage of choosing hope is always rewarded.
2. Change Your Thinking
2. Change Your Thinking
In general we get what we expect in life. I don’t know why that is true, but it is. Norman Cousins remarked, “The main trouble with despair is that it is self-fulfilling. People who fear the worst tend to invite it. Heads that are down can’t scan the horizon for new openings. Bursts of energy do not spring from a spirit of defeat. Ultimately, helplessness leads to hopelessness.” If your expectations for life are negative, you end up experiencing a lot of negatives. And those negatives are compounded and become especially painful, because negative expectations cause a person not to learn from their losses.
The good news is that you don’t have to live with negative thinking. You can change your thinking from a negative mind-set, in which you feel hopeless, don’t learn from your losses, and are tempted to give up, to a positive mind-set, in which you believe things can get better, you learn from your mistakes, and you never quit.
If you have been a negative thinker whose motivation has been rarely fueled by hope, then you must make a determination every day to try to renew your hope, change your thinking for the better, and believe that good things can and will happen to you. Doing these things can literally change your life.
3. Win Some Small Victories
3. Win Some Small Victories
If you are able to tap into your hope and become more positive in your thinking, that’s a great start. But it’s not enough. Positive thinking must be followed by positive doing. If you want to succeed big, then start by trying for a small victory. Nothing encourages hope like success.
If you are able to win small victories, it encourages you. It raises your morale. When you experience a win once, you begin to understand how it works. You get better at succeeding, and after winning several victories you begin to sense that bigger victories are nearly within your grasp.
Creating a positive environment with positive experiences can go a long way to encourage you to keep hoping, keep trying, and keep learning. Take a look at the difference between what happens when people sense victory and when they sense defeat:
When People Sense Victory | When People Sense Defeat |
They sacrifice to succeed. They look for ways to win. They become energized. They follow the game plan. They help other team members. | They give as little as possible. They look for excuses. They become tired. They forsake the game plan. They hurt others. |
Winning small victories can change your entire outlook on life. Neil Clark Warren, the founder of eHarmony, spent his earlier career counseling married couples. During that time he realized that his primary goal in counseling should be to help couples, even deeply troubled ones, to improve even a small amount. When couples see even a small improvement—as little as 10 percent—they gain hope. And hope is a powerful motivation for change and learning.
Adapted from Sometimes You Win, Sometimes You Learn
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