Wednesday, 13 November 2013



……There’s a boy sitting at the end of the road, looks worried.
……I don’t ave any one to help me; I came in to this world without knowing who I am.
……My street friends call me dede, is that who I am?
……Nevertheless, I am contended with whatever they call me.
…… (Sobs) Who is willing to help me find my true self?
……I am neglected, abandoned.
……I don’t have any one to care for me except passers-by that gives me penny to survive for each day.
……I really want to know where I came from.
……Why did you bring me to this world mother?
……You care less about me.
……You abandoned me, is this really what happens to everyone in this life?
……Am I the only one experiencing this?
…… ( Sobs) Why me? My Creator?
……I know you can help me.
……Show me the way.
……What if my mother is dead?
……..Oh no!
…….Nevertheless, there is hope for me.
……I can do all things; I will go in search of my true identity.


Bukola Jegede

.........DON'T GO TOO FAR


Good morning great minds! It’s been a while since I posted something. It’s been another phase of my life. I am so excited to share my experience, lessons that I have learnt. NB: we learn each and every day of our life.
Often times, we ask a lot of questions whenever things do not go the way we plan it. We are looking for a way out. Some of us resort to fate while some try to understand why it’s happening and what can be done t enjoy it while it last and some just kill themselves. Which of these categories do you fall in? Are you always scared about negative situation or you see it as a stepping stone to greater height?
However, I would want you to think deeply about the question before you rush to a conclusion.
 My experience……….
At some points in my life, things were not going the way I planned it, I had a lists of goals, ideas that I wanted to accomplish. I really meant good but at a point everything stood still. Aaaarrrrrggghhhh oh my God! Lord why is this happening were thought running through my conscious mind. It was not easy for me at that point, I needed a breakthrough.
Moreover, I learnt my lesson, I realize that its’ not at the point of planting that the seed is harvested. Everyone needs to wait at some point , while waiting endeavour to make it worthwhile.
To university student on strike, what are you using this period for? Are you sleeping all day long waiting for a MIRACLE, sure miracle will happen but engage yourself while waiting for that MIRACLE. You can work for free, learn a skill and engage yourself, read your books both lecture materials and developmental books till the strike is called- off. A stagnant water is the only water that mosquito breeds on freely. Don’t be a stagnant mind that all sorts of predator will feast on.
What are you waiting for? ACT NOW. “Education is the beginning of transformation. Dedicate yourself to daily learning via books/audio/seminars and coaching”- Robin Sharma.
I hope reading this article was worthwhile? Kindly comments, like or share it if you really enjoyed it. God bless you all. Love You.

Bukola Jegede

Thursday, 17 October 2013


“The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise,as some understand slowness. Instead He is patiently with you,not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance”
Some things we desire from Him and we think He is slow in answering us has so many underlying reasons that we do not know and might not be able to fathom, because His ways are soooooooooooooooooo higher than ours and what our human heads can comprehend.
Some things if given to us, no matter how good and genuine or right we think it is, can lead to our destruction if given to us now and because He is not willing for anyone to perish by a gift, He delays it till He considers it the right time!
Now, the question on the minds of Christians today might be how do I know what to fight for in prayer and what to let go (if God does not really want me to have it now)?
Well, this answer cannot be separated from our personal fellowship and communion with the Holy Ghost. He gives you a witness in your spirit to go ahead and fight or He tells you to rejoice because that desire will surely come at His own time because He makes all things beautiful in His time.
Take a look at your desires now. Are they in line with what God has written down?
Well, its Gods desire for us to live good and comfortable lives, be promoted in our careers,enjoy a good marriage, have children, be healthy and allllll good things of life.
However, we must come to realise that the moment a man does not have any challenge or what He’s looking forward to access, he might come to a false thinking that he does not need God.
There is no single person on earth without a challenge (including our Bishops and Pastors)
Challenges vary according to your level and walk with God per time.
Challenges are not meant to swallow us but to perform some works in us which mainly includes to increase our level of faith and trust for him in the face of contrary situations. He also takes us through some challenges because we have a ministry to people in that area. But how can we deliver if we have not really felt the same thing. A message is more powerful and delivered with passion if you have a first hand experience. God uses us as a seed for the harvest in that particular area of challenge.
You are that seed that will bring the harvest for many people in that same situation.
It all depends on the way you see it.
How can you explain a woman that God tells exactly the number of years He wants her to wait before giving her a child? She’s someone well known to me. She simply relaxed even when tongues were wagging and people were asking all manner of questions.
And did it happen when God told her it would??? Yes! It happened exactly that same year!
People! God is not a wicked God and He’s too faithful to fail.
He does it when He will do it and its all in our interest.
The best we can do is to continually draw closer to him in prayer believing that at the appointed time, He will deliver.
Having done all your part…. STAND!!!!
Friends, STAND!!!
Maintain your joy,
Let no devil steal it!
Tell him you know better.
Don’t waste your years in depression.
There’s still sooooooooooooo much more to live for, beyond that desire!
Hold on to the horns of the altar!
He will surprise us all and even “if not….” He is God and has the best in mind.
I hope you enjoyed it, i copied it form my big auntys blog

Wednesday, 2 October 2013



Good afternoon everyone, i wrote this story while i was in school but never published it, just modified the title, I hope you all enjoy it..
Amaka was the only educated person in her family, her father was a carpenter while her mother sells food. Amaka passed her WAEC and JAMB examination at a sitting; she filled University of Lagos as her choice of University to study Pharmacy.
Amaka resumed her new school with a high expectation of graduating with a first class; little did she know that she was in for it.
Amaka was allocated to Moremi hall, with a very nice roommate. However, during registration, amaka met Damilola, a 300level Pharmacy student. Amaka was happy to meet Damilola because she was studying the course of her choice and she was more expose than her. Damilola was mostly called “street dogs” by her mates; she loved clubbing and was also a major in “sugar daddy course”. Poor Amaka thought she had met a mentor.
Amaka spent most of her time with Damilola and like the saying ‘that one cannot run away from ones habit”, Damilola began to show the stuff she was made of. She invited Amaka for a party one day and Amaka accepted the invitation. Little did Amaka know that Damilola had already organized a ‘sugar daddy’ for her.  Amaka got to the partly elegantly dressed, her make up was so perfect, and she actually looked beautiful that day. Amaka was introduced to Chief Ademuyiwa by Damilola; she never understood that Chief Ademuyiwa was her date for that night. After the first and second course meal, Chief became bored and wanted to enjoy every bit of Amaka. Amaka was already drowsy; hence she followed Chief into the room he had booked earlier. Amaka was innocent that she never knew that she was in for it that night. On getting to the room, Chief Ademuyiwa started making some funny moves, which Amaka was not comfortable with , she told him to stop , but he was already aroused. Amaka started crying but couldn’t help her self. Chief Ademuyiwa penetrated into Amaka, and oh , Amaka was still a virgin.
Amaka’s life was not the same after that night; she started attending parties, had several man friends and was just “enjoying herself”
There is a saying that one day is for the thief and another day for the owner. Amaka became ill and was admitted at the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital, several test were conducted on her and Amaka was diagnosed to be HIV reactive, “the owner has caught up with her”, and Amaka the main girl now has to deal with her disease. Who infected her among the men was her first thought, knowing the man doesn’t solve the problem. What will she do now?

However, its very painful that we’ve neglected our tradition, in the oldern days, when a lady get married, the parent always look forward for a keg of palm wine signifying that the lady is virgin, ladies that were not virgin were taken back to their parent homes.. While this practice was inculcated, we never heard of veneral diseases, can we say that the advent of veneral disease is a way that God is using to punish us.
If you really want to have sex, intend of seeing any person to have sex with, go and marry, you might say that marriage as its ups and down ,I  don’t want to marry, you then have to pick one, is either you abstain from premarital sex or you get married.

Further more, innocent lives are endangered (unborn babies), if you known that you don’t want to kill an innocent life, don’t venture into sex.
Sexual promiscuity brings harm to every one concerned, one that is sexually promiscuous is endangering his or her life to several veneral diseases and most of them do not have a permanent cure and this can affect the person in various facets if he attributes her failure to others. It pays to keep oneself.

Bukola Jegede

Tuesday, 24 September 2013


Good Afternoon Everyone, I just thought about this and I would love to share it with you, yes you!
  ......... Imagine a world where Alcohol, hard substance etc were banned . How will the so called "area boys"  (Area boys in Nigeria is a group of energized youth that have potentials but would not utilize it, rather wake up early in the morning, takes a full dose of hard substance and beg for money from commercial drivers forcefully.) (# My definition, would appreciate other definitions.) interact with one another ?I belief everyone will behave, interact with their senses intact. The intake of hard substances by these boys affect the way they interact and also affect them. All in the name of getting high. A 12 year old boy drops out of school,finds his way to the park and works as the errand boy and before you know it, he is smoking marijuana and other hard substance. This is so sad.
...............Imagine a world where we value sincerity ?  We wont have problem with our kids, political leader to mention a few. I belief we can achieve this if we can become selfless in every of our dealings.
............Imagine a world where we are not caught in the web of deception that having sex as unmarried is not bad and also been cajoled by our boyfriend that we do not love him enough, that is why we are not showing it by having sex with him. I belief we would not have kids that we cannot take care of neither would we have HIV/AIDS patients, sexually transmitted disease would not have taken the lives of so many people. ( I am not saying one can only contract it via sex only do not forget that its called "THE IMAGINE GAME")
 I can continue to play "THE IMAGINE GAME" but the main essence of this game if for us to take a closer look at every negative thing happening around us and imagine we do not have any thing holding us down in other for us to make it work better, and proffer solution to it. Ask yourself what  you will do if you know that the solution you have will be the only way out to solve the problem  or perhaps the solution can solve the problem in a way? Will you fold your arms and IMAGINE or simply DO IT. 
Let be a change agent anywhere we are, folding our arms has not solve any problem , let people feel our impact where we are.

 Thank you all for taking time out to read this piece. LOVE YOU ALL. Adios.

Bukola Jegede

Friday, 13 September 2013


This post was copied from John Maxwell blog. My No1 Mentor

 Doing the following three things will help you to get there.

1. Realize That Hope Is a Choice
British clergyman G. Campbell Morgan told the story of a man whose shop had been burned in the great Chicago fire of 1871. The man arrived at the ruins the next morning carrying a table. He set up the table in the midst of the charred debris, and above it placed a sign that said, “Everything lost except wife, children, and hope. Business will be resumed as usual tomorrow morning.”
That man’s response is one that I truly admire. After such a heavy loss, where did he get his hope? From his circumstances? Certainly not. From good timing? No. From other victims of the fire? There’s no indication that he did. How many others faced the future with such positive determination? If this man saw a bright future for himself and his family, it was because he made a choice to have hope.
Hope is in the DNA of men and women who learn from their losses. When times are tough, they choose hope, knowing that it will motivate them to learn and turn them from victims into victors.
Some people say choosing hope is a pie-in-the-sky approach to life. It’s unrealistic, they claim. I disagree. In The Dignity of Difference, Jonathan Sacks writes, “One of the most important distinctions I have learned in the course of reflection on Jewish history is the difference between optimism and hope. Optimism is the belief that things will get better. Hope is the faith that, together, we can make things better. Optimism is a passive virtue, hope an active one. It takes no courage to be an optimist, but it takes a great deal of courage to have hope.”
I believe everyone is capable of choosing hope. Does it take courage? Yes. Because our hopes can be disappointed. But I am convinced that the courage of choosing hope is always rewarded.

2. Change Your Thinking
In general we get what we expect in life. I don’t know why that is true, but it is. Norman Cousins remarked, “The main trouble with despair is that it is self-fulfilling. People who fear the worst tend to invite it. Heads that are down can’t scan the horizon for new openings. Bursts of energy do not spring from a spirit of defeat. Ultimately, helplessness leads to hopelessness.” If your expectations for life are negative, you end up experiencing a lot of negatives. And those negatives are compounded and become especially painful, because negative expectations cause a person not to learn from their losses.
The good news is that you don’t have to live with negative thinking. You can change your thinking from a negative mind-set, in which you feel hopeless, don’t learn from your losses, and are tempted to give up, to a positive mind-set, in which you believe things can get better, you learn from your mistakes, and you never quit.
If you have been a negative thinker whose motivation has been rarely fueled by hope, then you must make a determination every day to try to renew your hope, change your thinking for the better, and believe that good things can and will happen to you. Doing these things can literally change your life.

3. Win Some Small Victories
If you are able to tap into your hope and become more positive in your thinking, that’s a great start. But it’s not enough. Positive thinking must be followed by positive doing. If you want to succeed big, then start by trying for a small victory. Nothing encourages hope like success.
If you are able to win small victories, it encourages you. It raises your morale. When you experience a win once, you begin to understand how it works. You get better at succeeding, and after winning several victories you begin to sense that bigger victories are nearly within your grasp.
Creating a positive environment with positive experiences can go a long way to encourage you to keep hoping, keep trying, and keep learning. Take a look at the difference between what happens when people sense victory and when they sense defeat:
When People Sense VictoryWhen People Sense Defeat
They sacrifice to succeed.
They look for ways to win.
They become energized.
They follow the game plan.
They help other team members.
They give as little as possible.
They look for excuses.
They become tired.
They forsake the game plan.
They hurt others.
Winning small victories can change your entire outlook on life. Neil Clark Warren, the founder of eHarmony, spent his earlier career counseling married couples. During that time he realized that his primary goal in counseling should be to help couples, even deeply troubled ones, to improve even a small amount. When couples see even a small improvement—as little as 10 percent—they gain hope. And hope is a powerful motivation for change and learning.
Adapted from Sometimes You Win, Sometimes You Learn

Wednesday, 29 May 2013


Fingers are not equal, so is the circumstance we face in life, yours is quite different from mine. I do not possess the energy and strength to face yours; mine was designed majorly for me. God allowed it because He choose to. Our finger prints are totally different from our siblings; we are the only authorized bearer of it. We should always seek for God’s wisdom in tackling our problems. His hand is widely open and big enough for us all. He promised us that none of His word will go out void without fulfilling that which He has ordained it for. He gave us an open cheque to ask him anything. We cannot escape obstacles but we can rely solely on Him for divine guidance to see us through every of our trials. I speak to every wounded, abandon youth today; I believe the path you are threading was ordained by your maker for your good. Wounded but not dead, crushed but not broken. You are being trained by God for a greater challenge and task for your upliftment. I so much love the story of Joseph, can you just imagine for a seconds the obstacles he faced as a youth from his siblings? That’s so cruel! But all that he faced made him who he became,’ A governor of a province,’ that’s really a big position considering where he came from and how he started. Joseph story is full of inspiration; God was with him trough out the phases of his life. The best counselor, friend that we should consider to keep in other for Him to sustain us through each phases and for sustenance is JESUS>

   I love you all. Feel free to repost, just make sure you don’t keep silent about what you read and benefit from this post, let endeavor to share it.

Thursday, 9 May 2013


Sauls’ act of disobedient brought about his untimely demotion. It took a while before he left the throne for David physically while the Israelites still felt Saul was their king, God already appointed David in the spiritual realm. The next mandate for Prophet Samuel was to obey Gods’ instruction by visiting Jesse in Bethlehem and anoint his son David.
v  Lets ponder on this point--- There are times we engage in worship or act that we think that God is still with us, little do we know that He has stopped been with us. Let us check ourselves and spot every little foxes that want to spoil our vine.
As soon as Samuel anointed David, the Spirit of the Lord took control and stayed with him.
v  We should be sensitive for Gods visitation whenever we go for prophetic revivals. There are certain anointing that God as already deposited in us while we were still young, we can easily see a child of 5years that already as a passion and you cannot help but notice the unique talent that God has deposited in  the  life of the child.
v  When it is time for your elevation, you will be recognized for what you have been doing without the supervision of any one.
The next phase for David after the anointing was for him to work in the palace by playing harp to relief the king (Saul) of the evil spirit tormenting him. A harp is a musical instrument. David has access to the palace now. Most of us are already where God want us to be, we only need to be sensitive to his direction for us to know what’s next. David knew Gods timing for his life and he steadfastly obeyed His instruction. Doing his stay in the palace, he was wonderful lads that use his ability and intellect to wade off the evil spirit tormenting his master with all he had. That’s really a good Spirit, bravo grand pa David.
David had another test on his way; he needed to deliever his people from Goliath. David had a lot of ups and down to face before he could be the king, hmmm so much to face for one person, I can now imagine the gut the contestant for Guilder ultimate search has, David faced more conquest than that of the treasure hunt seekers. The funniest thing about Goliath was that Saul and the army couldn’t fight him, they were too scared of him, imagine our army and all the combats fighters we have in Nigeria not been able to defend and fight our enemies during a war, it means that everyone in the country is no longer safe.
However, I am so happy that David stood up with God strength and power to fight Goliath. Imagine a man challenging us every morning and evening for 4o days! David couldn’t stand all the insult again, he got there to check on his brothers and couldn’t stand Goliaths insult. It makes me realize that everyone has what we are passionate about that a match sticks penetration to our body just ignites it. Wonders of what we are passionate about. He fought Goliath in the name of the Lord and won the battle, Hallelujah  We should not forget the fact that David was never part of the army and when he was curious about what was happening, his brothers felt he was too small. Most times what people berate or overlook might just be the KEY to our ANNOUNCEMENT in life. It’s not easy to keep doing what people see only negativity in but I pray that God gives whoever is reading this write up strength from above. I feel the reason why Saul and his army couldn't defeat Goliath was because the time for David announcement was now, an accurate avenue channeled to broadcast David. The cheer leaders of Israel never made things easy because the song they composed was bigger than their mouth and they made Saul to be furious of David and he wanted to kill him since then.  No one can kill you or your dream except it was never for you. All attempts to kill David by Saul were not fruitful. David became the king. The story of David called my attention to the passage of the scripture that says that light can only shine in darkness *paraphrased*. Every of the event that David faced were darkness that brought the light of God in him to shine forth.
However, whatever we are facing now should not weigh us down as YOUTHS; rather we should develop a positive attitude towards it. It’s happening for our good. Nigeria is the best country we can ever imagine that we were born in, better than any other countries because our country situations enable us to harness the potentials in us; it is our ‘darkness’ for us to shine. I am so sure that David was thankful throughout his life because he realized that it has been God on his side. SELAH.

………………..Hope you enjoyed this write up, feel free to comment and share.