act of disobedient brought about his untimely demotion. It took a while before
he left the throne for David physically while the Israelites still felt Saul
was their king, God already appointed David in the spiritual realm. The next
mandate for Prophet Samuel was to obey Gods’ instruction by visiting Jesse in
Bethlehem and anoint his son David.
Lets ponder on this point--- There are times we engage in
worship or act that we think that God is still with us, little do we know that
He has stopped been with us. Let us check ourselves and spot every little foxes
that want to spoil our vine.
As soon as Samuel
anointed David, the Spirit of the Lord took control and stayed with him.
We should be sensitive for Gods visitation whenever we go for
prophetic revivals. There are certain anointing that God as already deposited
in us while we were still young, we can easily see a child of 5years that
already as a passion and you cannot help but notice the unique talent that God
has deposited in the life of the child.
When it is time for your elevation, you will be recognized for
what you have been doing without the supervision of any one.
next phase for David after the anointing was for him to work in the palace by
playing harp to relief the king (Saul) of the evil spirit tormenting him. A
harp is a musical instrument. David has access to the palace now. Most of us
are already where God want us to be, we only need to be sensitive to his
direction for us to know what’s next. David knew Gods timing for his life and
he steadfastly obeyed His instruction. Doing his stay in the palace, he was
wonderful lads that use his ability and intellect to wade off the evil spirit
tormenting his master with all he had. That’s really a good Spirit, bravo grand
pa David.
had another test on his way; he needed to deliever his people from Goliath.
David had a lot of ups and down to face before he could be the king, hmmm so
much to face for one person, I can now imagine the gut the contestant for
Guilder ultimate search has, David faced more conquest than that of the treasure
hunt seekers. The funniest thing about Goliath was that Saul and the army
couldn’t fight him, they were too scared of him, imagine our army and all the
combats fighters we have in Nigeria not been able to defend and fight our
enemies during a war, it means that everyone in the country is no longer safe.
I am so happy that David stood up with God strength and power to fight Goliath.
Imagine a man challenging us every morning and evening for 4o days! David
couldn’t stand all the insult again, he got there to check on his brothers and
couldn’t stand Goliaths insult. It makes me realize that everyone has what we
are passionate about that a match sticks penetration to our body just ignites
it. Wonders of what we are passionate about. He fought Goliath in the name of
the Lord and won the battle, Hallelujah We should not forget the fact that
David was never part of the army and when he was curious about what was
happening, his brothers felt he was too small. Most times what people berate or
overlook might just be the KEY to our ANNOUNCEMENT in life. It’s not easy to
keep doing what people see only negativity in but I pray that God gives whoever
is reading this write up strength from above. I feel the reason why Saul and
his army couldn't defeat Goliath was because the time for David announcement
was now, an accurate avenue channeled to broadcast David. The cheer leaders of
Israel never made things easy because the song they composed was bigger than
their mouth and they made Saul to be furious of David and he wanted to kill him
since then. No one can kill you or your
dream except it was never for you. All attempts to kill David by Saul were not
fruitful. David became the king. The story of David called my attention to the
passage of the scripture that says that light can only shine in darkness *paraphrased*.
Every of the event that David faced were darkness that brought the light of God
in him to shine forth.
whatever we are facing now should not weigh us down as YOUTHS; rather we should
develop a positive attitude towards it. It’s happening for our good. Nigeria is
the best country we can ever imagine that we were born in, better than any
other countries because our country situations enable us to harness the
potentials in us; it is our ‘darkness’ for us to shine. I am so sure that David
was thankful throughout his life because he realized that it has been God on
his side. SELAH.
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